

Société | France


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

I-MC, for Innovative Manufacturing & Controls, is a young industrial company created on November 27th 2017. We are making and developing In-situ control and correction solutions for Machining tools (Milling, Turning, 5-Axes tools). Using an innovative supervision interface (Integrating the numerical chain), I-MC product allows Machine Tools end-users to integrate into their production process an automated In-Situ controls solution using an optical sensor coupled with a 6-Axes robot. As a result, our customers benefit of a significant  gain in term of cycle time but also in term of raw material consumption (scrap reduction).

I-MC is carried out by two founders: Dominique NOZAIS, from the CEA, with a profile of project manager with a strong experience in management of complex projects and teams, and Stéphane ROBIC, supplier in the industrie, with a Business Developer and sales experience for software and metrology products.


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