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Hunify Laboratories Kft.

Société | Hongrie

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Activities of our company can be grouped into three main sector:

  • Industrial automation,
  • Product development and 
  • Engineering consultancy and project management

Industrial automation

We develop servo movement (point-to-point, interpolated multi axis, mater-slave) and general purpose control software for industrial projects. Beckhoff and Kollmorgen are the most common devices we use. 

Besides, we undertake the refurbishment work of safety electronics in production machirery. We undertake the whole planning and implementation process until the certification together with external partners.  

Product development

From the idea until the production we serve our customers with our best knowledge in electronics, firmware and software development. Our clients are start ups and also SMEs with lack of required resources to realize ther product.

We have internal product development projects. We believe in assistive technologies that can make life easier and continuously think of new products. In our project portfolio we are developing a unique herbal inhaler, a smart tracking device for elderly care. 

Engineering consultancy and project management

We know our what we are capable of and we also know we are not. We are happy to share our engineering expertise with our customers and consult their project before and/or during the execution.

During the years of our professional activities we met a lot of talented people and reliable companies that we are happy to recommend.

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