
Hovering Solutions

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A propos de votre organisation

Hovering Solutions works in designing and manufacturing Autonomous Aerial Robots based on the development and implementation of proprietary technology, including software and detailed electronics at component level.

We are specialists in the development of solutions and technical tools focused to specific problems, mainly applicable in civil engineering, mining and environment and providing quantitative and qualitative results much better that working with conventional techniques, either from the technical and / or economic point of view.

Hovering Solutions’ team is highly skilled with capacity to identify the problem and develop highly functional, AD-HOC and competitive solutions compared to other techniques.

Our Autonomous Aerial Robots are capable of operating both outdoors and inside structures in civil works (tunnels, storage chambers, tanks) and industrial installations (chimneys, public service pipelines, etc), providing geographic reference and millimeter degree of detail in auscultation works.

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