
HAKOM Time Series GmbH

Société | Autriche


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

With almost 30 years of know-how in the energy industry, over 100 customers in 15 countries and 150+ successful projects, HAKOM has positioned itself as a strong and sought-after partner of the energy industry. Since 1991 HAKOM has been following its successful path steadily and successfully and is a reliable and innovative partner for its customers.

The smallest components of matter are elementary particles, the smallest elements of the energy industry are data with time stamps, collected in time series. The further we look into the future, the more important time series become for the energy industry and those who depend on it – Smart CityIndustry 4.0Agriculture 4.0Smart MeteringIoTautonomous driving or 5G mobile networks are just some of the buzzwords that will change our world forever. Tomorrow. There, time-stamped data will be the lowest common denominator, the elementary particles of the energy industry collected in time series to control and link complex systems. Without the management of time series at all levels, our modern world will no longer function technically.

This current and booming market of the future is HAKOM's core business, making the elementary particles of the energy industry controllable and creating added value. Enrich data with time stamps so that numbers become values. This is HAKOM's sought-after competence.

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