
Growponics Ltd.

Société | Israël

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

The company’s business is building and operating agriculture projects in the UK, Continental Europe and the rest of the world.

The company is positioned at the high end of projects building and uses high horticulture and hydroponics technologies.

The company’s Interests are:

1. Operation of Salads Production Plants (SPP’s).

2. Construction of SPP’s and other agriculture projects.

3. Investment in SPP’s

4. R&D of innovative technologies in the agriculture and horticulture sectors.


Growponics’ technology allows consistent quality of produce to ensure the best possible market price. Planting, harvesting and packaging is at a semi-automated level, including robotic features; done in a climate controlled environment, monitored by an advanced computerized control center, thus reducing the need for costly manpower and training.  Monitoring the environment, keeping oxygen, light, CO2, humidity, temperature, nutrients and other factors at optimum levels, ensures a healthy growth, reduces the need for harmful pesticide and herbicide residues, and ensures the produce is free of pathogenic bacteria. The minimal use of water, as compared to field crops (75%-90% savings) is an answer to water shortages. In addition, the uniquely designed greenhouse facilities can be put anywhere, because soil quality and the outdoor climate are not growing factors, as in the case of “field-grown” leafy greens.

Growponics is constantly developing new technologies from robotics to biotechnology.

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