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Greencube OÜ

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New kind of modular buildings


Buildings designed for crisis areas

What is HEXAGON?

HEXAGON is a prefabricated building provided by the GreenCube factory, designed mainly for crisis areas. The building has 10-cm thick, heatproof wooden walls, a two-way opening package window and a lockable front door. To complete the house, it is possible to order a variety of electronic devices, sanitary installations, as well as required cooking equipment. It is possible to assemble the honeycomb-shaped building by using a screwdriver within some hours, even non-builders can do it easily. The size of the building is 12.5 sq m, which gives it an optimal price-quality ratio. Strength calculations have been made for the design, so the buildings are strong and secure. They are packed so that they can be transported in shipping containers and, if necessary, even by helicopter. Packed parts of the buildings can be stored on each other, so they are ready for use even after several decades. The construction of buildings can be made warmer or cooler, as required. Besides, due to the practical form of buildings, they can be used in other social areas.


Who we are: Greencube OÜ is a factory which produces small houses for use year round. More information on our webpage www.greencube.ee.

More detailed information about HEXAGON can be found here: http://greencube.ee/-/HEXAGON.html


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