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Glycobond develops and produces carbohydrate-binding reagents for detection of disease-specific biomarkers.

It is well known that carbohydrate structures that are attached to proteins in the body undergo specific changes during disease processes such as cancer and inflammation. Glycobond uses recombinant technology to produce carbohydrate-binding peptides with defined specificities for use primarily in diagnosis and monitoring of liver disesases and cancer.

Our first product is HepaCheC®, an assay for detecting primary liver cancer at an early stage. The assay is ELISA-based and can be run in any clinical laboratory, is performed on a simple blood sample and will be clinically evaluated during 2017. Initial clinical tests have shown high specificity and sensitivity for detection of primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC, liver cancer). 

The company was founded in 2011 as a spin-off from research performed at Linköping University. 


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