

Société | Allemagne

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Glassface's aim is to digitize small and medium business 



Glassface will become the major player for all Geo- and AR-Marketing for local businesses and provide its users every aspect of location-based features in one single App.


Launched in 2020

Available on Google Play and App Store

Funded by ESA BIC & WI-Bank

Currently planning and running field test with Italian café manufacturers Moak (200 stores in Germany - 6.000 worldwide) and in 2021 with illy (access to 60.000 cafés)

- Glassface is a platform for many useful location-based services

- It helps Families & Communities (in particular during Covid)

- Offers location-based Help & Reward-system

- Location-based Matchfinding (dating, friends, interests…)

- Promote local retailers, restaurants or café bars with a new marketing channel

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