

Société | France


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

GeneCreek's mission is to discover microbiota improving healthcare and well-being

Many human and animal health scientists will nowadays agree that the microbiome offers as yet mostly unexplored opportunities for care, not only for acute and local diseases affecting the body sites harbouring microbes, but also for chronic and systemic disease. 

GeneCreek pursues "bugs as drugs" development with a portfolio of QPS/GRAS species and associated disease-specific benefits addressing immunologic, infectious and metabolic diseases.

Regarding "drugs for bugs" development, GeneCreek has built a multi-cohort dataset of several thousands of clinically relevant microbiome samples in which bacterial antagonism mediators targeting important multi-drug resistant pathogens are being mined.

GeneCreek is filing international patent applications for combinations of bacterial species (composition of matter) and their individual effects in particular diseases, sustaining the structure claims that can be made for probiotics and providing elements for eventual medicinal product registration. Partnerships with the probiotics- and pharmaceutical industry are bein established to pursue these opportunities.


Recherche de partenaires

Voir les informations détaillées

Microbiome at the bench - therapeutic opportunities in the microbiome

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