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Société | Israël

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

The company is an IoT SME headquartered in Israel with a business unit at the republic of China. It supports businesses to develop any type of smart, connected and aware products using the GEM technology.

GEM is an innovative Hardware and Software platform which fuses motion, vision, sensors, communication, software and analytics technologies to provide a high-level infrastructure for IoT products development.

The company provides clients with solutions based on a cutting-edge technology, supporting the development of new and innovative IoT products - from Proof-of-Concept stage, through Minimal-viable-product stage, towards final product for mass production.  

The company focus is on Smart spaces (workplaces, buildings, commercial centres); Smart cities (early responders, infrastructure) Industrial IoT (predictive maintenance) and VR technologies.

The Company is constantly searching for new clients and partners to explore business opportunities.  

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