
Fórum Oceano - Associação da Economia do Mar

Réseaux d'accompagnement | Portugal

Onglets principaux

À propos de votre organisation

Fórum Oceano  - Associação da Economia do Mar is a private non-profit association with the status of a public-interest entity. Fórum Oceano is responsible for dynamising the Portuguese Maritime Cluster, a Competitiveness Cluster recognised by the Portuguese Government in 2017. The Mission of Fórum Oceano is to strengthen the dynamics of strategic cooperation between stakeholders  - companies, R&D centres, higher education institutions, public administration bodies and other associations  - and promote the competitiveness of the main value chains that use the sea and its resources as central elements of their activity, contributing in a sustainable manner to economic growth, exports and employment, and increasing the relative importance of the Sea economy in the economy of the country.

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