

Société | Serbie

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Eon plus (Eon+) is a company based in Belgrade, Serbia, founded in 2013. It creates and develops leading-edge software technology and systems for environmental and social protection and sustainable development. Eon+ has developed Envigo, a cloud service platform for Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA/EIA) to address the imperative need for an integrated digital solution for EIA/ESHIA and meet the attractive market opportunity.

Eon+ has a talented core team of experts consisting of 9 members who are working continuously on the improvement of existing and development of new software products for Environmental and Social Due Diligence, Climate Change Risk Assessment and Resilience and more. The multidisciplinary team has wide international experience, ranging from environmental, chemical and software and data engineering to management of IT technologies, marketing and graphic design.

Eon+ aspiration is to lead digital innovation of environmental services in line with the UN SDGs and the EU Green Deal, for achieving true sustainable development and circular economy. A short video about Eon+'s vision and Envigo  can be found here.



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