
Edutech Srl

Société |


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

EduTech is a young company that studies and provides interactive and multimedia training and teaching solutions for educational and academic institutions, businesses and public bodies.

Our aim is to provide technical, made-to-measure solutions that make the most of people’s talents and abilities, and that facilitate collaborative learning, communication and personal development.

Our work is project based, spacing in the range of: development of e-learning forms and models, training of teacher and operators on the use of technologies, modeling new educational tools for developing creative and narrative skills.


EduTech is a young company that studies and provides interactive and multimedia training and teaching solutions for educational and academic institutions, businesses and public bodies.

Our aim is to provide technical made-to-measure solutions, for the e-learning and educational sector, that make the most of people’s talents and abilities.

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