
Easy Smart Grid

Société | Allemagne


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Easy Smart Grid develops technology to use more renewables at lower cost. We do this by enabling flexible consumption to adapt to the production patterns of solar and wind generation. Such flexible consumption can be heat pumps, cooling compressors, EV chargers, water pumping, production processes and even household devices like dishwashers. By changing their operation time, they create the same value to the electric grid as a battery would - but without its cost. This is why we call them "virtual batteries", and they reduce the CAPEX required for energy storage without loss of comfort. While this enables energy systems to operate at minimum system cost, individual customer benefit in a transparent and fair way from the flexibility they provide

Easy Smart Grid develops the necessary ICT (information and communication technology) to achieve this at very high efficiency, resilience, data protection and at low cost.The technology is fully in line with the European requirements of more decentral energy management (local energy communities) and dynamic end customer tariffs as well as US-developments on transactive energy and autonomous grids. While we demonstrate the technology "live" in a climate friendly residential quarter, the technology can also be applied at larger scale and to minimize grid extension needs

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