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A propos de votre organisation


Biology is going through a radical paradigm shift over the last decade evolving from a qualitative/descriptive science to quantitative/engineering one. It’s now possible to “(a) design and construct new biological parts, devices and systems and (b) re-design existing, natural biological systems for useful purposes” in a rational and systematic way. This forward biological engineering approach may be applied at all levels of the hierarchy of biological structures: from individual molecules to whole cells, tissues, organisms and populations. This approach, also known as synthetic or constructive biology, has already revolutionized technology and production paradigms fostering the development of innovative medicines, redesign environmental friendly chemical processes and generate new sources of energy.


Our mission is to develop innovative enabling technologies to unlock the full potential of forward biological engineering. Our ultimate goal is to develop a comprehensive and coherent bio-engineering platform to allow scientist to pursue their ambitious goals.


Our strategy is built around the following words: research-develop-deliver. Since inception we have been constantly investing in R&D to develop next generation technology through tailored partnerships. We are currently involved in several research projects and we constantly seek scientific partnerships to broaden and strengthen our expertise.

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