

Société | France


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

We have developed three types of activity:

E-MIA ENERGIE – our solutions for the owners of charging stations

  •  Smart, ultra fast and universal electric charging solutions.
  •  A connected digital hub for all types of user (professional and individual). It allows them to manage, optimise and make profitable their fleet/terminal from a distance and in real time.

E-MIA SERVICE – our services for simplifying the lives of drivers

  • An application for the users of electric vehicles to simplify their journeys!

E-MIA SaaS – Production of innovations

  • Technological and behavioural watch to keep up to date with the latest innovations, anticipate upcoming challenges and adapt constantly.
  •  Of the main areas of production and development in the field of terminal automation and the management of calls for power.
  •  Algorithm for optimising battery charging and calls for power.

The particularity of our offer

  •  Electric Loading has created an integrated, complementary, connected and smart solution for all types of populations (users, local authorities, suppliers…).
  •  Electric Loading included the question of managing calls for power in their reflections and solutions as this is a key element in providing accessibility and durability to electric mobility.
  •  Moreover, Electric Loading’s solution is designed to changed, to be transformed and to be adapted to requirements and constraints but also to be diversified: we test, we observe, we analyse, we revolve!

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