

Société |


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Our Company is a small Company active in High Tech Fab Maintenance (CleanRoom for aerospace and semiconductor) and NDT Testing and Consultancy.

For NDT Branch, we operate principally in all Europe Countries with our service in traditional Methods like PT, UT, VT, MT and advanced tecniques Helium Leak Test and Acoustic Test.

Our operators are certified at level 2 and Level 3 under ISO9712/2012 and SNT-TC-1A in the various Methods and Two of us cover the ASNT Level III Certification in traditional Methos and LT.

We are involved in more European Founded projects (FP7 and Horizon 2020) particularly dedicated to Structural Health Monitoring in Aerospace (like Comphealth: www.comphealth.eu ) and Petrochemical and Naval fields (ShipHullSHM Project phase 1).

Our main customer in petrochemical fields are: Petronas, ENI, Maxcom, Bureau Veritas Italy, Saipem, OLT, Air Liquide, Dow Chemical, etc.

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