

Société | Belgique


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

LibreDoc harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to organise your content (text, pictures, videos, maps, links, graphics...) and creates automatically a personalised and interactive digital publication. Because it is based on an "HTML as source" approach, LibreDoc can also produce seamlessly paper and Web outputs.

LibreDoc is templates free and that's why it gives a high flexibility and responsiveness to any non-technical user. At home or in a small or big company, the non-technical user is our target. The market is huge.

LibreDoc is a disruptive competitor in the market of content editor.

Templates free
Readable on any screen, any OS, any device without any special or dedicated readers except a modern browser.
LibreDoc is entirely based on Open Web standards.

To better understand the innovation of LibreDoc please have look to the documents referenced below.

Two short videos here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcXTDulRbXlWM-I8551ZHAQ

For a quick overview, please have a look to our Executive Summary (public version):
A complete business plan version is available: investors@deliberatedoc.com

For a deeper understanding of the concept of "Self-Editing": http://www.deliberatedoc.com/index.php/2015/09/06/dynamic-publishing-in…

For an overview, thank you to read our White Paper
FR: http://www.deliberatedoc.com/index.php/2015/08/21/white-paper-fr/
EN: http://www.deliberatedoc.com/index.php/2015/09/02/white-paper-en/

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