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DAC sp.z.o.o.

Société | Pologne


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Dynamic Air Cooling (DAC) technology is a new ecological way to generate cold for industrial or residential air cooling and refrigeration. Our technology allows to decrease temperature by -60°C and has no impact on environment: it uses no synthetic coolants and has neither thermal nor CO2 emissions. DAC is effective and economical solution - it is up to 50% cheaper comparing to traditional a/c or refrigeration technology.

Currently, DAC team has fully functional prototype and is collecting marketing information about possible application scenarios. Thus, we soon will be able to develop a powerful B2B cold generating solution, setup and test field prototype production infrastructure, validate DAC performance with piloting B2B customers and license the production of cold generators to existing OEM manufacturers.

DAC collected a team of highly qualified and motivated experts in gas & thermodynamics with years of experience in fundamental research, technology development & commercialization. Together we have published 98+ scientific works & submitted 25+ patents.

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