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Cool Energy

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As much as 40% of the energy consumed in industrial processes is ultimately lost as waste heat, and Cool Energy’s products can reclaim that heat to create on-site electricity.  Cool Energy has developed, demonstrated, and completed initial sales of a novel heat-to-power device, the ThermoHeartTM Engine, that converts low-to-medium temperature heat flows (150°C to 400°C) into clean electricity.  The ThermoHeart Engine can be used torecover low grade waste heat economically, and boost the energy efficiency of a power generator or industrialprocess.  Among the applications for the ThermoHeart Engine are waste heat recovery (WHR), solar thermal power generation, biomass power generation, and geothermal power generation.   A $50 billion dollar market exists for heat to electricity conversion solutions in these lower temperature ranges for output powers under 200kW.   Initial testing of the first two engines assembled has measured conversion efficiencies of nearly 30%.


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