
Codhex srl

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A propos de votre organisation

CODHEX S.r.l. was founded in January 2007 by Francesco Magni and Francesco Bernardini with the intention to provide commercial and manufacturing companies in the region of Tuscany (Italy) with high quality and adapted enterprise management software.

Early on, the successful commercialization of its custom-made enterprise software allowed CODHEX to firmly consolidate its position in the market of highly adapted ERP solutions for industrial companies from several business areas.

CODHEX invested a large quantity of resources in research and development, using cutting-edge technologies, to design and create several powerful software packages with innovative characteristics and great commercial potential.

As a clear example of this, our main ERP and most successful product, XMINE, was completely developed using earlier versions of our COSMERS prototype. COSMERS allowed us to develop entire customized ERP modules for our clients within very strict deadlines and budgets, proving in a real commercial environment both the potential of COSMERS and the efficiency of our R&D process. With COSMERS, we are also able to seamlessly customize and adapt XMINE and create additional modules, at our client’s request and at any moment in the software lifecycle, without having to suffer any kind of costly and time-consuming code update process.

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