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A propos de votre organisation

Cellulis (meaning "for the cells" in Latin) is a young SME company with an amazing success track for approved global patents that cover game changing disruptive enabling technologies in the field of freezing and thawing cells within the cell therapy market. Our technologies provide innovative solutions to improve and standardize the entire cryopreservation process that has been highly conserved since the very first discovery of cryoprotectants in 1949. Much has been done about improving chemical freezing formulations but the current obsolete methodological approaches to the cryopreservation process incurs a great lack of standardization.

Freezing and thawing cells correctly require several processes that need to be performed with care to avoid cell damage. Cells are currently thawed using warm water baths followed by the elimination of the toxic cryoprotectant. The inadequate performance and lack of uniformity of these costly protocols infers an undesirable variability on the cellular product jeopardizing therapeutic efficacy and it poses a serious threat in current clinical settings.

Our Limbo™ technology is unique in the sense that for the first time it introduces simple enclosed mechanisms that assure the correct standardization of freezing and thawing processes, making the whole process operator independent. We are pioneers at offering a final product formulation for the cell therapy market at the same time than avoiding important costs associated to current protocols.

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