
CellDynamics iSrl

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Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

CellDynamics develops, manufacture and offers devices and solutions for biological and biotech laboratories. We focus on testing and measuring 3D Cell Models like spheroids and organoids in order to characterize better the behavior and the results or effects produced by different agents or factors.

We address our action to improve novel and more reliable methods for biomedicine. Principal area of interest are: cancer research, cell therapies, embryology, but quality control application can be applied to cell factories and cell banks.

Our activities are based in Italy from the locations of Bologna (headquarter), Sassari and Catania.

Our technical solutions are a mix of mechanics, electronics, optics, micro fluidics and a proprietary SW, our devices generally need a specific disposable and consumable.

First product, W8 Physical Cytometer, can measure cluster of cells from 50 to 500 microns diameter and collect elements like dimension, weight and mass density: according to these 3 elements it can sort the sample following values fixed by the user. During last 12 months we published the first 3 scientific paper by W8 technology that can give to users the first application examples of our tech; more papers are coming.

CellDynamics is developing a distribution network with presence in most of European countries, US, Canada, China, Japan and Australia; we are still working to complete and consolidate this network. In Q1 and Q2 we sold our first 10 devices in Europe & Asia.


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