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A propos de votre organisation

The Electrical Energy Efficiency Solution of CYSNERGY is a combined M2M Hardware & IoT Software Platform, specially developed for Utilities and its Customers; to be used as a powerful tool for increasing the loyalty of these Customers, as large electricity consumers. CYSNERGY has been working during more than 15 years with Utilities in the Electric Power Industry (ALPIQ, Unión Fenosa and Iberdrola), attending thousands of its clients. And the senior engineers of CYSNERGY have also brought to these collaborations their previous experience as CEO, COO, CFO, etc., in several multinational companies (automobile, ceramic, hospitals, water treatment, EU certification, etc.). The achieved objectives have been: Design and maintenance of excellent Utility´s EEE Centers for the remote on-line monitoring & management of the specific unitary electricity costs in thousands of production plants and buildings; as a high added value for the end customers of the Utilities. CYSNERGY has also implemented ISO 50.001 audits and has assessed the adequate technical corrective actions for continuous EEE improvements. The combination of CYSNERGY´s Hw & Sw offers the B.A.T., focused to Industry 4.0 Vision: Including Cloud Computing, Big-Data, Deep Learning, Lean Consumption, Predictive Analytics & Operational Efficiency. It is a smart and robust Hw & Sw system, which increases the synergy between Utilities and its enterprise Customers worldwide: Ensuring a loyal and growing Power Market share.

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