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CRU Hungary Ltd.

Société | Hongrie

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

CRU Hungary Ltd. was established in Hungary in 2008 focusing on clinical research services (Phase II-IV). In the course of time the clinical research activities were extended to the earliest human phase, to Phase one trials, and nowadays CRU is one of the biggest and most active Phase I unit in the CEE region. Next, to the clinical research extensions, new projects were initiated in recent years in the field of basic research such as Biobanking, Biomarker Research, Lipidomics, Proteomics and tumor genetics. In the meantime not only, the company’s portfolio but the number of sites were increased. Currently, we get research sites and/or offices in Hungary, Germany, Ukraine, Vietnam, and Singapore. New sites are planned in 2019 in Lao PDR, Thailand, Indonesia, and Portugal.

Expert SME in the field of Clinical Research, Lipidomics and Proteomics with coverage in Europe and Southeast Asia.

further information is available on www.cru-global.com 

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