

Société | Norvège

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

CLTRe is the global leader in security culture management. We provide our customers deep insigths and operational actions to manage the 92% of risk of cybersecurity breaches - the organisational, process and people side of cybersecurity. Our software-as-a-service platform consists of program management features, measurement tools, reports providing deep insights, and predictive analysis that highligths where in the organisation the human factors risks are unacceptable. 

Metrics: CLTRe has created a measurement instrument that accurately measures the risks of human factors throughout the organisation. Our customers use the measurements to identify areas where security is strong or weak, and to track changes over time. 

Predictive analysis: our metrics and large dataset provide means for predictive analysis, helping our customers to identify which groups of employees that need attention, as well as the action required. 

Benchmarks: Our large dataset across many industry sectors is used to create industry-specific benchmarks, helping our customers understand how they compare against their competition. 

Reports: Our reports are designed to provide key information, helping our customers inform their board of directors and senior management of any progress and challenges, as well as support the security operation with updated analysis and detailed insights. 


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