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Click4Tag: Tag microorganisms to control the risk

Click4Tag created in December 2014, develops innovative solutions for detection, enumeration, concentration and/or rapid identification of culturable microorganisms using a real technological breakthrough exclusively licensed at the end of 2014.

The technology is based on specific functionalization of culturable microorganisms via natural assimilation and integration of a "hook" (probe) into their membrane. This anchorage point permits to associate conventional labels by "Click" reaction, to (i) a fluorescent label to detect, count and/or identify culturable microorganisms of interest, (ii) magnetic beads in order to concentrate/isolate culturable microorganism of interest.

Nowadays, Click4Tag commercialized molecules allowing bacterial membranes functionalization for industrial and academic research. Within 6 months, LpDClick, the first Click4Tag affiliate will propose fast and easy to use kits to detect in situ and within 48 hours instead of 12 days, L. pneumophila, the pathogenic bacteria responsible for legionellosis. Other developments will allow LpDClick to propose fast semi-quantiative or/and semi-automatic kits that will determine L. pneumophila concentration. In the future, other microbiological analysis kits will be developed to address food processing controls and in vitro diagnostics via other affiliates.

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