
CBRA Genomics

Société | Portugal

Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

CBRA Genomics is a Portuguese start-up, based in Cantanhede, that was founded in 2013 by Carlos Faro, Carlos Fiolhais, and Gonçalo Quadros. They envisioned a future where genomics would have fulfilled its potential, and would be routinely used within the clinical practice, with significant gains in healthcare and well-being, for individuals and families.
To support for their vision, CBRA Genomics has developed Elsie, an easy to use digital platform that fills the gap between physicians, geneticists, and individuals, enabling the physicians to generate personalised diagnosis and prognosis reports in a safe, secure and efficient way, adapting the treatment plan and prescriptions considering the patient ́s genomic information. Therefore, the ultimate goal of ELSIE would be to improve healthcare and to foster personalized medicine.

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