

Société | France


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Bonetag gathered in 2014 a team of orthopedic surgeons and electronic engineers in order to conceive an electronic device to enhance surgical knee arthroplasties.

Every year, over 2 millions total knee prosthesis are implanted, without proper follow-up.

Our device is universal, and can be inserted in every total knee prosthesis.

It is battery-free, safe, and provide an unique enhancement of the knee prostheses.

Our device allows worldwide identification and traceability in vivo, during decades, of every knee arthroplasty, using passive RFID technology.

It also detects loosening of bone adhesion, wear and infection more precisely and specifically than any existing exam.

Our software gives practitioners and health authorities a powerful tool to control and improve implanted medical devices, individually and globally.



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