
Blue Ocean Leading Drivers

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À propos de votre organisation

The experts on deep technology


“Blue Ocean Leading Drivers (Bold)” is a mentorship and investment-driven open innovation company focused on hi-tech maritime industries. We are business-oriented. We are looking for scalable, revenue-generating, internationally focused, technology-based startups with innovative solutions and/or disruptive business models. We are also looking for companies in a high stage that still need support for growth and/or entry in new markets.

We are specialised in Industry 4.0 early-stage startups involved in big data, cyber-security, cyber-physical systems, collaborative robotics, marine energy, autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things...etc


Investing in deep technology is challenging. Opportunities are hard to source, understand and evaluate. Most investment funds are focused on the saturated Internet market. We offer you to diversify.

Timeline in science startups is long. Evaluation of emerging technologies is not easy. Risk is high if decision-makers have not excellent support. Assessing deep technology, following the appropriate business plan, speaking with market leaders, evaluating the marketing strategies,... All investment analysis process needed before investing in deep technology is a hard job. But this is a market with very high potential for the next coming years.

Blue Ocean Leading drivers (Bold) is committed to providing you with the tools and resources to become a successful investor on deep technology.


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