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Utilizing innovative methods & techniques developed through thorough research in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, BIO2CHP bypasses the up-to-date technical limitations & allows the use of raw residual biomass for the small-scale & on-site energy production.


BIO2CHP has developed an innovative highly efficient & fuel flexible small-scale waste-to-energy technology, consisting of a compact bubbling fluidized bed gasifier coupled with an innovative high efficiency hot gas filtration system, & a durable gas engine-based combined heat & power generator. The previous are brought together through an automated & smart control system, allowing the technology’s continuous & automated operation using residual biomass feedstock, enabling decentralized small-scale applications in the place of feedstock origin & production, minimizing transportation & logistics costs.


A working prototype has already proven the concept, operating both in lab & in fully operational environments, using various types of feedstock & reaching technology readiness level of TRL6-7. The prototype was developed under EU LIFE+ financing and operated for more than 3,000 hours, using grape pomace, olive & peach kernels, almond shells, etc., producing heat & power on-site.


A 25kWel & 67kWth combined heat & power pre-production pilot unit is currently under development and will be installed at the facilities of a winery in Greece, by summer of 2019.

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