
BCaster Oy

Société | Finlande

Onglets principaux

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Most of smartphone users in the world capture videos and take photos daily, but the monetization of UGC is difficult in platform business. Internet is built on ad revenue, and unless the user has a large number of followers, the revenue share from ads is not possible. At the same time, businesses like media companies, broadcasters, sport teams and event organizers are keen on benefiting from the content their customers and fans produce, but cannot access, search or license it.

BCaster has an AI-powered solution for creating, managing, searching, verifying and licensing user generated content. BCaster Oy is the company behind the solution. With the BCaster solution, content can be created, shared, sold, combined, used and managed. Anyone around the world can see the same frames that were just captured. The solution automatically processes, analyses and tags all content in real-time, and stores the content in the cloud together with a wide variety of sensor and metadata without any extra effort from the user – no hashtags or keywords needed.

BCaster targets to be the key European challenger for the existing social media companies who control and limit access to user generated content.



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