
Aquilon Pharma

Société | Belgique


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Aquilon Pharma started in 2013 as a spin-off of ULiège (Belgium) and is now an independent and multidisciplinary Pharm-Tech company with global ambitions, specialized in the improvement of the efficacy of drugs through inhalation.

Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) are part of a group of lung diseases that obstruct airflows. Due to pollution, the global prevalence has skyrocketed. The drug treatments are made of 3 components (formulation, carrier and device). Nevertheless, no optimal solution exists: first, the traditional carriers do not distribute the drug homogeneously (requiring high dose intake to work). The low efficiency of traditional carriers leads to important side effects with limited efficacy; then, the prevailing devices are not user friendly or cannot contain the best treatments on the market; finally, inconsistent doses are delivered as it is highly dependent on inspiratory efforts from patients. There is therefore still space for improvement in the prevailing treatments.

Aquilon Pharma is reformulating drugs with HPβCD as functional excipient to make inhaled drugs much more efficient through better lung disposition. Aquilon Pharma has developed a breakthrough functional excipient technology that improves the pharmacology and the lung deposition of existing drugs. The developed formulations, inhalation solutions and powders, are compatible with most of the existing and innovative inhalation devices.


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