
Agronaut Ltd.

Société |


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

Agronaut’s focus is to revolutionize agriculture.

We do that by developing software and hardware solutions for farmers to increase their yield - while saving big on input resources.

By 2022 our goal is to cover 80% of the world’s relevant agricultural areas with local soil and weather stations which allow farmers to make educated decisions. We will combine this with data on pests and plant diseases to create new knowledge and spread it to farmers. Big data analysis of what we collect will help to achieve significantly more food production and less impact on environment in a matter of a few years.

For the past two years we have conducted R&D for building solutions to collect and analyze data from soil, weather and plant growth. Soil will be mapped and analyzed with our autonomously moving (self-driving) tractors with special equipment. We have tested our soil sampling software in Estonia for the past 6 months and it has proved revolutionary in itself, allowing the whole process and data to be handled digitally, with 80% less human time consumption and a magnitude of increase in precision.

By now we have working prototypes which are being tested on the fields and web/mobile environment https://agronaut.ee to visualize data and manage fields on the map.

We are looking for both capital to win development targets and contacts to boost sales.

We are recommended by Enterprise Estonia and cooperate tightly with Estonian Agricultural Research Centre.

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