
Agency Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Réseaux d'accompagnement | Belgique


Onglets principaux

À propos de votre organisation

Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship - VLAIO for short - is the point of contact of the Flemish Government for all entrepreneurs in Flanders.

Our mission is to 

  •  Stimulate growth and innovation : we financially support businesses with subsidies
  • Promote entrepreneurship : we work together with partners who can help guide SMEs from (pre)start through growth to acquisition. 
  • Support cluster operation : we also encourage companies to cooperate more intensively with other companies and knowledge institutions in a group-based setting, such as in clusters, innovative business networks and living labs. 
  • Create stimulating environmental factors : we facilitate the development of business parks and appropriate business accommodation for entrepreneurs. 
  • Encourage internationalisation of business activities 

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