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A propos de votre organisation


We are an Italian SME founded in 2014.. STETHOtelePHONE is our core solution, whose development has been financed by a national grant( total budget 230,000 Euro).
Recently, ARCON participated in DOMUS, a project by National Ministry for Scientific Research and Development concerning home automation for the creation of an intelligent platform for assisted living. Here, ARCON will be a supplier of biomedical expertise for the implementation of sensors - monitoring systems, interfaced with the central telemedicine; and will collaborate in the development of intelligent ICT platforms.
Thanks to a cooperation between the US Embassy in Italy, the Fulbright Commission in Italy, INVITALIA, and San Francisco Italian Consulate, ARCON was selected to participate to the BEST program (www.bestprogram.it) for a period of six months in Santa Clara (Silicon Valley). The program vision is to stimulate economic competition and the 2 high-tech entrepreneurial culture in Italy, transferring best cultural and US business practices through an innovative exchange program with the Silicon Valley.
ARCON is one of the ten startups selected by UNICREDIT SPA with the aim to support the company growth, by organizing business matching with UNICREDIT worldwide partner.

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