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A propos de votre organisation

Advenias is a private owned SME founded in 2012 by professionals who have worked together since 2005, both in health and software companies, gaining considerable experience in these sectors, on advisory tasks and health management. We currently employ 15 highly technical and business expert personnel which generated about 2M turnover. We have acquired a thoughtful knowledge on the customer needs and the market evolution through previous projects. Besides our qualified personnel, our strength resides on our established cooperation with hospitals and clinics, as our software is already being used in over 500 facilities and by 05,000 active users.

Advenias offers a powerful and economic social health management software, ePersonam, to integrate all the functions necessary in advanced home care and long-term care in a single cloud based (Amazon Web Service) solution that is compatible with all computers, smartphones, and tablets to easily manage business anywhere and anytime. ePersonam offers a 360° service for the complete management of the residential and homecare users from entry to discharge with all the nursing processes, assistance, physiotherapy integrated with each other. The collection, storage, subsequent retrieval of administrative and social-health welfare data is guaranteed and facilitated. ePersonam will significantly improve the overall productivity and profitability by effectiveness, efficiency, and security of all aspects organizational processes

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