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1649 membres

Onglets principaux

À propos de la communauté

BlueInvest is a community where entrepreneurs, investors, corporates and innovation stakeholders can plug in to the Blue Economy. Our content and activities promote Blue Growth and help SMEs and start-ups access finance and business opportunities.


Members of the community can expect:

  • business-to-investor matchmaking 
  • networking, knowledge exchange and links to relevant accelerators, incubators, clusters and business networks
  • online learning and training opportunities and coaching
  • events and growth opportunities


Geographic location: EU Member States


Open to all companies and investors interested in the Blue Economy

Including biotechnology, maritime and coastal tourism, minerals resources, offshore renewable energy, aquaculture, sustainability, circular economy, digital transformation, IoT, AI, robotics, among others


BlueInvest is operated by PwC and CARSA on behalf of the European Commission.

Learn more about this project at http://blue-invest.eu

View our Data Protection Notice at this link.


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