
Next Generation Rail Technologies SL

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NGRT is a small company, founded in Sept 2015, with a unique railway technology and the only company world wide with its proven applications. NGRT is a company focusing on railway safety, working with railway regulators and helping infrastructure managers and train operators secure their infrastructure and operations. Our mission is to bring innovative products and solutions to the marketplace, in order to increase safety, increase train operations and reduce risk with significantly reduced cost. NGRT has the potential to truly revolutionize railway infrastructure monitoring by using our innovative and proven vibration detection technology. Full infrastructure monitoring is a well known problem, and missing the good solution. Good railway infrastructure is critical to delivering optimal safety in rail transport and ensuring minimal service disruption or delays and keep passengers’ satisfaction high. The real-time infrastructure monitoring, that shares data and makes possible safety process automatization is currently the missing element.The railway operators are well aware of the problem, but monitoring 1 million kilometersof railway tracks in the world seems to be an impossible task. And without it, there is not data for the automation (like automated rail crossings, or safety notifications about the damaged rail track). Any failures in maintaining the goodstatus of infrastructure may lead to accidents.

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