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Quanta & Qualia aspires of a future where current user interaction devices -joystick- in the XR era will be replaced by a more intuitive one, entirely revolutionizing the interaction between end user and digital environment providing appreciably higher User Experience. In order to achieve its vision Q&Q designed and developed Magos.
Magos is a new technology, integrated into a pair of gloves, which disrupts the state of the art Human Computer Interaction (HCI) devices in XR. Magos is positioned as cutting-edge HCI device, as a result of its unique sensors, which are connected to every joint and provide 1000x more accuracy than its closest competitor. This reinvention of finger tracking constitutes a breakthrough in XR as it redefines the scope of interaction scenarios, providing unlimited freedom from the design of a new one until its development. This, practically means the end of an intermediate phase with technology constraints that effected UX, moving on in a new more immersive era

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