
H2OnlyBattery Greece

Company | Greece

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H2OnlyBattery is the first generator / battery  that is powered by water or other liquid. (In an emergency we can use even urine)
A completely new technology for up- to- date data, with "Open type" systems that gives the ability to the user to pause the production of energy whenever it is needed.
Our technology is a very important achievement in the field of Green Energy as it guarantees the fulfillment of the above requirements. We have developed the know-how of Baghdad's ancient battery, and we've upgraded all aspects of it: Power, customizable size, durability, safety, and we've added the innovation of pausing and restarting power generation. 

Our individual formed company, established at the end of 2016, based in Heraklion Crete, produces and sells (wholesale and retail), in Greece and abroad, in the distinctive registered trademark «H2OnlyBattery», emergency devices that are activated and operating with water.
H2OnlyBattery is holding two IP patents. The first for the core technology and the second for one of our devices. 
1st. WO2013/072708 / GR Patent 1008093 titled “Self contained electric power production system that is activated and operated with water” 
2nd. WO2020016618 / GR Patent 1009746 titled “ Autonomous direct  activation security Flashlight kit”.
In our factory we already produce 3 different models of emergency flashlights, as also a portable energy bank that is operating a 12Volt 5Watt LED lamp.
H2Onlybattery devices are designed for specific situation. 

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