

Company | France

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GreenBig is an innovative company specialized in plastic bottles collection and pre-treatment for recycling, founded in 2017 by 3 serial Entrepreneurs and Engineers who cumulate 50 years of professional experience and deep knowledge of the waste-management sector. GreenBig has developed b:bot, the most innovative and the only profitable Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) for plastic bottles. Contrarily to traditional RVMs, which only compact and stores bottles, b:bot sorts and then shreds PET bottles into flakes. Sorted PET flakes are a much more valuable secondary raw material for plastic buyers. Thanks to this novel treatment of bottles b:bot’s capacity is significantly enhanced, making it the most compact RVM on the market. One patent has already been registered, and 3 others are pending. B:bot differentiates itself through its combination of an innovative process, an enhanced user experience and digital innovation regarding waste data. The innovation has been validated by the whole value-chain: beverage industries are supporting b:bot, while plastic buyers have validated technical specifications and are seeking for recycled PET. GreenBig intends to install b:bots in superstores and urban areas, whose demand for reverse vending machines is skyrocketing. In order to create synergies, GreenBig anticipates the creation of rewards in order to improve client loyalty. 

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