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Company | Greece

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For over 30 years, we supply and manage the appropriate technology and resources to support the entrepreneurial spirit and profitable growth of medium and large sized companies and Government entities around the globe. In particular, we design, provide and enable novel, end to end IT solutions for all business functions, on time and on budget, both on premise and in the cloud, to help independent enterprises grow and compete. Throughout the last 3 decades, we have successfully delivered appropriately customized business IT solutions across at least 16 different industries in the US, the EU and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. During the same period, we have also participated in major R&D projects worldwide. We have also been extremely successful in exploring niche markets for our territory, and timely exit them when they became mature enough, to ripe benefits optimally. Leveraging on partnership with the right investors has proved a highly effective process throughout our evolution. Our business offerings include content management systems, enterprise resource planning solutions, financial planning and budget monitoring platforms, human capital management solutions, web site & mobile apps design and development, custom software engineering and business operations outsourcing services. 

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