
WAVES S.à r.l.

Company | Luxembourg

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We want to make a difference and drive positive change – with the our award-winning modular cloud-based platform for corporate sustainability management! We call this unique solution the Sustainability Management Platform (SMP). With the SMP, we pursue the goal of making sustainability visible to all business actors, from small to large, regardless of their industry. From raw material extraction to the product life cycle and recycling.

Based on the WAVES Sustainability Management Platform (SMP), businesses can take sustainable steps towards climate neutrality and a circular economy. The transparency achieved makes it possible for the first time for all those responsible in their company to manage and control their sustainability. Improvements can be identified, implemented and, after implementation, evaluated in a legally secure and norm-compliant manner in order to be able to make reliable statements to all stakeholders.

Because sustainability is THE topic of our time and will remain so for the future. We provide real data and transparent analyses to pave the way to a more sustainable economy with the goal of enabling the circular economy.

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