University of Zagreb, Faculty of mechanical engineering and naval architecture
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HEAD OF THE PROJECT: prof.dr.sc. Bojan Jerbić, prof.dr.sc. Gojko Nikolić, doc.dr.sc. Darko Chudy
STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT: Active clinical testing of the commercial version of the robot system for neurosurgical application. Preparation phase for the CE and FDA approval.
IPR STATUS: Industrial design of the RONNA system was protected. The design of an innovative medical robotic platform for which a Hague registration was made within WIPO.
Project RONNA – robotic neuronavigation was initiated by a group of researchers within the Department of Robotics and Production System Automation at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb (UNIZAG FSB). RONNA is an innovative and commercially competitive robotic system for applications in neurosurgery that has been developed as a project based atUNIZAG FSB, Croatia. In its first stage of development, the RONNA project was funded by the national fund HAMAG-BICRO within the TEST program. In addition, the EU funded the project “RONNA – Robotic Neuronavigation” from the Regional Development Fund.
Benefits of using the RONNA system in neurosurgery:
- Better and faster performance of surgical procedures
- Less invasive procedures
- Faster recovery of the patient (shorter hospital stay, reduced costs)
- Better utilization of operational resources of the hospital
- Mastering new skills within a clinical team
- Introduction of new technologies in medical practice
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