
Swyft Technology


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• Swyft Energy was established by long term friends Joseph Freyne and Adrian Casey in 2018, as an online home services business that simplifies the installation of energy products such as high efficiency boilers, smart heating controls, solar PV, heat pumps and electric car chargers.

• Following launch, the founders set about digitising their home services business. Unable to find an existing solution on the market, they built their own e-commerce platform that digitised the customer journey and supply chain.

•  Thanks to their e-commerce platform, in just over three years Swyft Energy has generated over €12m in sales and is well on its way to becoming market leader in the Irish Energy Services industry.

•  Now, having proven their technology with Swyft Energy in Ireland, the founder's vision is to develop their technology into a white label, scalable solution that will be licensed to home services providers internationally, creating:

“The world’s leading e-commerce platform for the services industry”

• The technology is currently at TRL 6 and now seeks funding to bring it to TRL 8 and 9

• Swyft Energy was the proof of concept and reference client before marketing “Swyft Technology” as a standalone business, licensing the technology using a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business model.


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