
Submer Computing Immersion Cooling

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Data centers, computing and the internet infrastructure is estimated to consume 6% of the global electricity (more than India) and generate 4% of the global CO2 emissions (more than 2 times commercial air travel). It is estimated to grow towards 20% of the global electricity by 2025. Moreover, an average data center is also estimated to consume the amount of water in an olympic swimming pool every 2 days.

To solve it, we've created Submer; a highly efficient, eco-friendly, server immersion cooling system that is operationally viable for data centres.

Our immersion cooling technology can save up to 99% of their cooling costs, 45% of the electricity bill, 85% in physical space required for IT and reduces CAPEX in expensive buildings.

Also perfect for Edge Computing and IoT, Submer developed the MicroPod that can be placed anywhere, even directly outdoors.

Submer’s leading team includes former executives from Intel, Apple, Yahoo, Ingram, Fujitsu among others and its innovative technology is being used by also renowned companies and important institutions like the CERN Large Hadron Collider, Airbus, the European Commission and more including top colocation providers, telcos, HPC and 2 of the top 10 hyperscale cloud providers.

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