
Soos Technology

Company | Israel

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Soos Technology is a biotechnology company set out to solve one of the toughest challenges the poultry industry has today - male layer extermination and production capacity loss in commercial hatcheries.

Every year 7.5 Billion male layer day-old-chicks are exterminated by the egg-production industry since they cannot lay eggs nor be used for meat production. Simply put, commercial hatcheries whose business is to produce female chickens that lay eggs are factories that throw away 50% of their production. This practice has many ramifications ranging from unnecessary extermination costs, material waste of incubation space, electricity and water to major animal suffering and abuse.

Our solution affects the genetic expression of the reproductive system in genetic male layer embryos and can turn male layers into functional female layers that can lay eggs.

We developed an AI-guided incubation system that uses a patented combination of temperature, humidity, CO2 and sound vibration to control the sex development process in poultry embryo, and oppress gene expression of a gene responsible for sex development in poultry (called DMRT1). We do not use GMO, gene editing or any hormonal intervention, just sound vibration.

We have a working POC that generates 60% females in repeated experiments in quantities of hundreds to thousands of eggs. Our next stage is to develop a stabilized product and reach 80% females.



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