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Smart Sense d.o.o.


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Smart Sense Ltd. was founded in 2013. with aim of working on research and development in IoT projects and creating our own solutions which can be adapted to market requirements.  We have strong experience in engineering, entrepreneurship, business and management which helped us in leading our first development project of Smart Home solution (launched on Croatian market in summer 2016.) on which we cooperated with local telecom Iskon Internet (part of Croatian telecom and DT group)   After this successful project we continued our path with air quality monitoring solution,for both outdoor and indoor air. In 2016 we recognized large potential on the market in development of air quality solutions which can provide end customer with real time indicative measurements. Since then, and in cooperation with Teaching Institute of health in Zagreb ,we are continuously working on development of Smart Sense AirQ monitoring station which is supporting the newest technologies (e.g. NB IoT). Today our employees work on AirQ product development and commercialization of this products and we are cooperating with world leading companies in IT (Nokia, Cisco, Ericsson, Huawei, Deutsche Telecom) who are helping us in bringing our solution worldwide. We attended some of the world leading conferences (Smart City World conference in Barcelona, Smart Home Summit in London, Smart City conference in Šibenik…)and in that way presented and promoted our solution not just locally but also globally.

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