
simple engineering


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Simple Engineering is a French startup/SME that runs simplyTestify (http://simplytestify.com), a Test Automation Platform as a Service for RESTful and SOA APIs, micro-services architectures, IoT-enabled services, and distributed systems. simplyTestify is a geo-distributed, multi-instance, and multi-tenant platform on cloud that delivers self-provisioning, pay-as-you-go, and easy-to-use test automation services. simplyTestify enables complete, intelligence-led, robotics, and low code test automation. Its utilization is straightforward: the user deploys the distributed architecture under test, drafts test models and policies, and invokes test automation methods via the graphical interface or the API. simplyTestify autonomous robots generate focused test suites of any size, run dynamically scheduled test sessions, automatically arbitrate the test outcomes, reactively plan and realize multi-session test campaigns, and render detailed traces and short reports. simplyTestify robots employ probabilistic graphical reasoning, model checking, and temporal logic inference to optimize automatic search, detection, and diagnosis of faults. The simplyTestify platform is the result of the industrialization of the foreground of the EU FP7 MIDAS project #318786. The platform is currently utilized by a few early adopters from the industry and the academia. We plan to deploy for general availability in the first quarter 2018 and to be referenced as a SaaS in the AWS Marketplace.

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